Friday 18 March 2011

Orthodox Studies - First video presentation

Thanks to the financial support of a few dear Orthodox friends I have been able to set aside some time to begin to develop a whole series of video presentations. These will be about 10 minutes in length and first of all will examine the teaching of the Orthodox Faith about the sacrament of the Eucharist. They have as the intended audience both existing Orthodox faithful, and of course those non-Orthodox who are seeking to gain a better understanding of what we believe.

I am sure that I will change various features of these presentations as I become more used to producing them, but this first one is at least comprehensible. Please consider if you, or those you know, are also able to financially support this ministry so that more presentations can be produced. At present the ongoing support for this work allows only for about 3 days of activity to be committed to it. Your financial support would allow for more time to be set aside from secular employment to produce these instructional videos.

Here is the first video. I'd appreciate comments and ideas to improve it.

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